The liberation of Sita – Review

This is a completely spoiler free review so you are welcomed to read the whole thing if you haven't read the book . In here are my views on this book and what I liked or didn't like . My experience with this book may help you to get to know if this book is... Continue Reading →

Feeling low ? Struggling to find anwers ? Everything can wait... but first you need to appriciate and love yourself. For a splash of confidence , go ahead and give it a read .

Struggles of a reader 

You think being a reader is easy ? Think twice darling ! And if you are a fellow bibliophile then you know what I mean ! And you probably can relate to all of these . (Well ok maybe not all but some)  I was there in front of my computer with a blank page gawking at me... Continue Reading →

Smash that TBR tag #1

Sometimes before even checking the synopsis we see the rating of the book. (Atleast I do that.) And sometimes we love the synopsis of the book but because of the low rating we put it aside and jump over to a new book . I so badly wanna end this  habbit of mine. If you... Continue Reading →

The fault in our stars

"The world is not a wish granting factory "                    - John green . Genre - Young adult , Romance .  Page count - 316  My ratings .  Plot -  4/5  Characters-  5/5  Writing - 5/5  Overall-  4.8/5  Let's get started with the review then. This is... Continue Reading →

And Then There Were None- Agatha Christie

Loved this book thoroughly… 😘

land of literature

I was in a massive reading slump when someone recommended this book to me and it definitely worked to get me back into my groove! I adore Agatha Christie but this has quickly become one of my all-time favourite books. I usually have a bad habit of anticipating plot twists but this one continuously caught me off guard.

And Then There Were None begins with ten strangers receiving invites to a mysterious private island owned by an unknown millionaire. Once the guests arrive on the island it soon becomes clear that this is no ordinary vacation when a mysterious voice threatens to expose their darkest secrets. Much like the nursery rhyme that is displayed in each bedroom, the ten guests slowly find their numbers dwindling as each guest is killed one by one. Is there a murderer hiding on the island, or is one of their own responsible for the…

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